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Agnieszka Kamińska 28.02.2012

Ashton called Political and Security Committee on Belarus

The EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton asked the EU ambassadors to meet in connection with the situation in Belarus. Minsk asked Polish and EU ambassadors to leave Minsk.
Ashton called Political and Security Committee on Belarusfot. PAP/EPA/OLIVER HOSLET

Catherine Ashton's spokesperson Maja Kocijancic informed "Report on Belarus" that the PSC will assess the situation and discuss the proper EU reaction.

Minsk asked the ambassador of Poland Leszek Szerepka and EU representative in Minsk Maira Mora to leave Belarus, because of the EU sanctions imposed on Alexander Lukashenka’s regime. At the same time Belarus summoned its ambassadors in Warsaw and in Brussels for consultations.

Earlier on Tuesday, the EU approved the new sanctions on Belarus. The list of the Belarussian officials responsible for repressions towards civil society and oppossition has been enlarge, they cannot entry the EU and their assets will be freezed.

So far 231 Belarussians figure on the European "black list".


Raport Białoruś/ Report on Belarus