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Polish police detain teen over axe murder of parents, brother

09.12.2019 11:09
Polish police have detained an 18-year-old man suspected of killing his parents and seven-year-old brother with an axe.
Image by Andrzej Rembowski from Pixabay
Image by Andrzej Rembowski from Pixabay Pixabay License

Private radio broadcaster RMF FM reported that the 18-year-old climbed onto the roof of a house and from there called the police, claiming that his family had been murdered by burglars.

According to RMF FM, the teenager admitted to the killings when he was questioned by officers, and also revealed where he had buried the murder weapon, an axe.

The incident took place in the south-western Polish town of Ząbkowice Śląskie overnight between Sunday and Monday, state news agency PAP reported.

"I can't disclose the details. I can only confirm that two adults – the parents – and a seven-year-old child are dead,” local police spokeswoman Ilona Golec said on Monday.


Source: PAP