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Poland to administer third, booster dose

28.08.2021 10:30
Poland's medical authorities have decided to offer a third Covid-19 shot to people with reduced immunity, the health minister has said.
Polish Health Minister Adam Niedzielski (C).
Polish Health Minister Adam Niedzielski (C).Photo: PAP/Marcin Bielecki

Adam Niedzielski told a press conference on Friday that “patients would qualify for a third dose on an individual basis, following a doctor consultation.”  He added that the extra shot would likely be available from September 1.

Niedzielski went on to say that availability of the booster jab for all Poles is being discussed with the European Medicines Agency. "At the moment, the agency is conducting general-population research … and has yet to present a position,” Niedzielski said.

The European Union's biggest eastern member Poland braces for a fourth wave that is already hitting its western neigbours. With the highly malicious Delta variant growing rampant, the country expects the epidemic situation to deteriorate in the autumn.

For the time being, at around 200 a day, Poland's daily COVID-19 infections are a fraction of what they used to be during the third wave in spring.

Poland, a nation of around 38 million, has fully vaccinated 18.6 million people, according to latest data published on Saturday.  However, the number of people eager to get vaccinated has fallen in the summertime.

There is no consensus among scientists and international agencies that a third dose is necessary, but several countries including the United States, Israel, Germany and France have already opted to offer them to older adults and those with weak immune systems, according to Reuters news agency.


Source: IAR, Reuters