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President praises Polish security forces at Christmas meeting

21.12.2021 19:30
Poland’s President Andrzej Duda and First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda thanked the country’s security forces and law enforcement officers for their service during a Christmas meeting near the Belarus border on Tuesday.
Polands President Andrzej Duda (second left) and First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda (left) hold a Christmas meeting with soldiers and law enforcement officers in the eastern village of Kodeń on Tuesday.
Poland's President Andrzej Duda (second left) and First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda (left) hold a Christmas meeting with soldiers and law enforcement officers in the eastern village of Kodeń on Tuesday.PAP/Wojciech Jargiło

The Polish presidential couple travelled to the eastern border village of Kodeń to meet with soldiers, border guards, police officers and firefighters stationed at Poland’s border with Belarus amid a simmering migrant crisis.

“I would like to extend to you ... my most heartfelt wishes and feelings of enormous gratitude for this immensely important service, for keeping us all secure,” Duda said.

He added that the work of all those "who are serving the country at the border with Belarus, but also in other places during this festive time" was “hugely appreciated throughout Poland.”

The first lady thanked the troops and other law enforcers for their dedication and their “kind hearts,” for supporting local communities, “whether by serving in Polish military contingents or by being here in the borderland.”

“I thank you so much for giving us a sense of security, and I believe I’m speaking on behalf of many Polish men and women who respect your service and work and who are full of respect for you,” Kornhauser-Duda said.


Source: PAPprezydent.pl