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Polish MP questions arms exports to Israel

21.05.2024 18:30
Poland’s Left MP Maciej Konieczny has raised concerns about Poland’s past arms exports to Israel, urging for transparency on the issue.
Andrzej Szejna.
Andrzej Szejna.Photo: PAP/Michał Meissner

Speaking to PAP, Konieczny emphasized the need to investigate whether Poland continues to supply weapons that could be used against civilians in the Gaza Strip.

Deputy Foreign Ministry head Andrzej Szejna clarified that the arms sales to Israel took place under the previous Law and Justice (PiS) government and assured that the current administration has no plans to approve such transactions.

"We will not have a hand in Israeli attacks on civilians in Gaza Strip using Polish weapons," Szejna stated, adding that Poland has condemned the attack on Israeli civilians by Hamas last year, but "Israel's response is becoming inadequate and unnecessary. The civilian population is suffering, and what is happening in Gaza is a violation of international and humanitarian law."

State news agency PAP reported that Konieczny and other MPs from the Together party (part of the Left club), have submitted inquiries to Prime Minister Donald Tusk and other ministers regarding the arms exports. They seek detailed information based on recent Foreign Ministry reports indicating that Poland exported bombs, missiles, and high-energy materials to Israel.

The Polish MPs are also advocating for sanctions against Israel, following the International Court of Justice's assessment of potential genocide risks in Gaza. Konieczny stressed the importance of uniform international law standards to maintain credibility and counter accusations of Western hypocrisy.

"The Kremlin likes to point out the hypocrisy of the West by pointing out that we are not as firm towards other countries that violate international law and human rights as we are towards Russia. Such argumentation is falling on fertile ground in many countries, and Moscow is winning allies," he stated.


Source: PAP