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Most Poles favor four-day workweek, few willing to accept pay cut: survey

19.06.2024 12:30
Sixty-three percent of Poles are in favor of a four-day workweek, though only 24 percent would be willing to accept a reduction in their salary, a recent survey has revealed.
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In exchange for maintaining their full salary, 73 percent of respondents expressed a willingness to work 10-hour days.

The survey, conducted by the Ariadna Research Panel, also found that 50 percent of Poles believe that a four-day workweek should be introduced in the country.

Support for such a move is particularly strong among young people, with 61 percent of those aged 18-34 in favor, compared to 37 percent among those over 55.

Additionally, 60 percent of full-time workers support the idea, with no significant differences in support based on education or gender.

The survey revealed that if a four-day workweek were introduced, 76 percent of respondents would prefer working 10 hours a day to retain 100 percent of their current salary.

Conversely, 24 percent would opt for an eight-hour day with 80 percent of the salary.

The survey also explored how Poles would use the extra day off. The largest group, 35 percent, said they would spend more time with their children and family, while 31 percent would travel and visit new places.

The survey was conducted on a nationwide sample of 11,138 respondents aged 18 and over.


Source: PAP