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Polish rocket reaches space using innovative eco-friendly fuel

04.07.2024 09:30
A Polish-engineered rocket has successfully reached space using an innovative eco-friendly fuel, heralding a significant breakthrough for the country's aerospace sector, the Polish Space Agency (POLSA) has announced.

The ILR-33 BURSZTYN 2K suborbital rocket, developed at the Łukasiewicz - Institute of Aviation, successfully reached space. This milestone was achieved using 98 percent hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizer, a world's first in rocket propulsion technology, according to POLSA.

"The world's first rocket to use 98 percent hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizer has been tested in its target configuration and reached its target ceiling. Thus, the date of July 3, 2024, will go down in the history of Polish achievements in the development of space technology," POLSA reported.

Magdalena Frańczak of POLSA informed the Polish Press Agency (PAP) that detailed technical information about the flight would be released in the coming days.

The project received partial financing from POLSA. Paweł Stężycki, director of the Łukasiewicz - Institute of Aviation, highlighted the environmental benefits of using 98 percent hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizer.

"With this project and the technologies used in it, we want to prove to the world that elements of sustainable, environmentally friendly transportation are possible in space," Stężycki said, as cited by PAP.

The rocket, moving at nearly 1.4 km/s, is expected to have numerous applications, including atmospheric research and launching scientific experiments to further the development of science, new technologies, and industrial advancements.


Source: PAP