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Poland investigates criminal networks organizing illegal migration routes from Russia and Belarus

23.07.2024 13:00
Polish authorities are scrutinizing criminal organizations facilitating illegal migration routes from Russia and Belarus into Poland, Deputy Interior Minister Czesław Mroczek said on Tuesday.
Czesław Mroczek.
Czesław Mroczek.PAP/Rafał Guz

In an interview with Polskie Radio, Mroczek addressed reports claiming USD 30 million from human smuggling operations from the Middle East to Europe via the Belarusian border had ended up with terrorist organizations.

"Polish services are investigating these criminal organizations organizing the illegal migration route from Russia and Belarus to Poland. Their connections are being examined," Mroczek explained. He added that the criminal underworld often has broader aims, such as inciting global unrest.

Mroczek emphasized the significant financial gains involved in operating these migration routes, calling it a highly lucrative business. "Those who engage in destabilizing actions, sabotage, and attacks—these costly activities—seek revenue sources, and illegal migration routes provide a field of operation for them," he noted.

On Tuesday, Polish daily "Rzeczpospolita" reported that USD 30 million from illegal human trafficking from the Middle East to Europe through the Belarusian border, disguised as cryptocurrency, had reached terrorist organizations: Hezbollah's military wing and Palestinian Jihad.

This information was uncovered by international services in collaboration with Polish authorities, the Nadbużańska Border Guard and the Lublin District Prosecutor's Office. A criminal group of 51 individuals was involved in the operation.

“Rzeczpospolita” reported, that several days ago, its leader, 33-year-old Ahmad Al., a Syrian, was extradited from Germany to Poland. Ahmad Al.'s group smuggled mainly Syrians, Yemenis, and Iraqis from Belarus to Poland and other Western European countries, generating approximately USD 581 million.

The newspaper added that seven cryptocurrency wallets belonging to Ahmad Al. were identified. These accounts were identified by the Israeli Ministry of Defense as belonging to Hezbollah and Palestinian Jihad, the daily reported.


Source: PAP, IAR, Rzeczpospolita