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Poland hits record asylum applications amid border control changes

12.09.2024 15:00
In 2024, Poland has recorded a record number of asylum applications, with the figures potentially rising further. So far, a total of 10,700 applications have been submitted, mainly from citizens of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia, according to data from the Office for Foreigners provided to "Rzeczpospolita."
Department for Foreigners in Warsaw. Record number of asylum applications in Poland for 2024.
Department for Foreigners in Warsaw. Record number of asylum applications in Poland for 2024.(az/awol) PAP/Albert Zawada

Thursday's newspaper reports that the majority of asylum applications in Poland this year have been submitted by citizens of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia.

In contrast, most migrants from Africa and Asia (mainly Syria, Somalia, Eritrea, and Afghanistan) who are currently in Poland are continuing their journey to other European countries.

The newspaper notes that the buffer zone on the border with Belarus, despite a decrease in the number of illegal border crossings, is still not completely secure.

Starting Monday, Germany will implement controls on all its land borders, which, according to rp.pl, will most significantly impact Poland, through which many foreigners illegally enter Europe.

Germany's new border controls impact Poland, Austria refuses returnees

This year, around 160,000 immigrants have already reached Germany via Polish territory and Balkan routes.

Under the new regulations, Germany plans to tighten controls and send people attempting to cross the border illegally back to the countries they passed through, including Poland.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk criticized this decision, noting that Poland has been working hard to protect EU borders for years without expecting support from other countries.

According to the head of the Polish government, "such actions are unacceptable from Poland's perspective."

The Austrian government, on the other hand, has already announced that it will not accept migrants attempting to cross the border illegally who are turned away by Germany.

Source: "Rzeczpospolita"/rp.pl

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