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Flood wave hits southwestern Poland, President Duda criticized for delayed response

20.09.2024 11:55
A flood wave is hitting southwestern Poland, exceeding alarm levels in several areas, prompting residents to reinforce flood barriers. President Duda has visited the affected regions, facing criticism for his delayed response to the crisis.
Wrocław, September 19, 2024. High water levels on the Oder River at the Bartoszowice Weir. The peak flood wave on the Oder has reached the capital of Lower Silesia. According to IMGW data, the water level in Trestno, at the citys border, reached 631 cm, which was lower than projected in the worst-case scenario.
Wrocław, September 19, 2024. High water levels on the Oder River at the Bartoszowice Weir. The peak flood wave on the Oder has reached the capital of Lower Silesia. According to IMGW data, the water level in Trestno, at the city’s border, reached 631 cm, which was lower than projected in the worst-case scenario.(sko) PAP/Maciej Kulczyński

Residents of Lubuskie province in western Poland are preparing for rising waters as a flood wave moves through Brzeg Dolny in the southwest. The Oder River's water level has surpassed the alarm threshold by more than 3 meters.

According to the Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW), the highest water level is currently recorded in Brzeg at 946 cm. Although the water continues to rise, this level is still lower than during the great flood of 1997.

Meteorologists report that last night there were 42 instances where rivers exceeded alarm levels and 33 instances where they surpassed warning levels across Poland.

Poles unite to reinforce flood barriers

Late last night, residents of Brzeg Dolny worked together to reinforce the leaking flood barriers. Hundreds of people carried sandbags into the night with dedication.

For the volunteers exhausted from the hard work, food trucks were set up, offering free pizza, fries, and hot coffee, according to local TV station TVP3 Wrocław.

The flood wave is also passing through the capital of Lower Silesia, Wrocław. The city has been protected from flooding thanks to the Racibórz reservoir, which is currently half full, though the water level is gradually dropping.

Wrocław, September 19, 2024. A flood wave is passing through Wrocław. In the Ostrow Tumski area, in the heart of the city, religious buildings, hotels, and tenement houses have been secured with sandbags. Wrocław, September 19, 2024. A flood wave is passing through Wrocław. In the Ostrow Tumski area, in the heart of the city, religious buildings, hotels, and tenement houses have been secured with sandbags (PAP/M.Kulczyński)

Flood in Poland. Criticism grows over President Duda's handling of the crisis

Today, the areas affected by the flood were visited by Poland’s President. After his visit to Lądek-Zdrój, he is set to travel to the Opole region. The President's Office emphasizes that Andrzej Duda's visit is not intended to interfere with the work of emergency services.

A day earlier, Jurek Owsiak, head of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP), sent a letter criticizing the president’s passive response to the flood.

In an interview with TVN24, Owsiak said that in the letter he expressed his critical view of the president's actions, calling them "wrong and inadequate."

The head of WOŚP stressed that the president had "slept through" an important moment when he should have been with the people, and added that Duda should be ashamed of planning foreign trips in the current situation (a reference to discussions around President Duda's canceled meeting with Donald Trump).

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Source: IAR/PR24/FaktyTVP3/IMGW/X/prezydentpl/@wroclaw_info

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