Emergency services, including firefighters, police, and a representative from the Polish Space Agency (POLSA), secured the site immediately after the discovery.
The object, like previous finds, has been taken into custody by police and prosecutors for further examination.
A probable fragment of a Falcon 9 rocket was found near Krzyżkówko in western Poland, marking the sixth such discovery in recent weeks after an uncontrolled reentry of a SpaceX rocket stage over Poland on February 19. Photo: PAP/KWP
According to POLSA, five similar fragments have been found in Poland in recent weeks: on February 21, pieces were located in Komorniki (at an electrical equipment warehouse), Wiry (in a forest), Śliwno (on a field), and Szamotuły (at the edge of a forest), while another was discovered on March 11 in a forest near Łowyń, a village in western Poland near the German border.
Photo: POLSA
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