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Poland creates cyberspace defence force

08.02.2022 22:30
Poland on Tuesday announced the establishment of a new cyberspace defence force as a component of the army.
Defence Minister Mariusz Błaszczak announces the launch of Polands new CyberSpace Defence Force, in Warsaw on Tuesday.
Defence Minister Mariusz Błaszczak announces the launch of Poland's new CyberSpace Defence Force, in Warsaw on Tuesday. PAP/Marcin Obara

“We’ve been consistently building up our cybersecurity capabilities,” Defence Minister Mariusz Błaszczak told a news conference in Warsaw, as quoted by the state PAP news agency.

“In 2019, we established the National CyberSpace Security Centre, and today the government is creating the command of the CyberSpace Defence Force,” Błaszczak said.

“We are perfectly aware that in the 21st century, cyberattacks have become one of the tools of the aggressive policies pursued by our neighbour, among others," he added, in a clear reference to Russia.

“And so these capabilities are of fundamental, key importance to the Polish military,” Błaszczak told reporters.

Outlining the objectives of the new force, he said: “The CyberSpace Defence Force is a regular army, it has defensive abilities, as well as a reconnaissance capability and an offensive capacity, in case these were needed.”

He told the media that the new force would help “build Poland’s resistance to cyberattacks,” public broadcaster Polish Radio’s IAR news agency reported.

During a special ceremony, Brig. Gen. Karol Molenda was appointed to serve as the commander of the newly established CyberSpace Defence Force.


Source: IAR, PAP

Click on the audio player above for a report by Radio Poland's Michał Owczarek.