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Polish president to discuss security, migration in Portugal

05.10.2023 09:30
Polish President Andrzej Duda is starting a two-day visit to Portugal on Thursday, with plans to discuss security, migration and Russia's war in Ukraine at a summit of the so-called Arraiolos Group of countries, according to his office.
Polish President Andrzej Duda.
Polish President Andrzej Duda.Photo: Marek Borawski/KPRP

Duda's top foreign policy aide, Marcin Przydacz, has told reporters that the meeting will focus on issues including international security and migration policies.

The Arraiolos Group brings together heads of state from EU member countries that have parliamentary rather than presidential models of government, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

The group is named after the small Portuguese town where the first such meeting took place in 2003.

In October last year, Arraiolos Group leaders held a summit in Valletta, Malta.


Source: IAR, PAPprezydent.pl