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Government set to introduce civil unions

20.03.2024 17:15
According to a report in the left-wing outlet oko.press, the government is preparing to introduce legislation to allow civil unions.  
Equality parades calling for equal rights - about to achieve a major milestone?
Equality parades calling for equal rights - about to achieve a major milestone?Photo: PAP/Tomasz Gzell

According to oko.press, citing anonymous sources in the government, the ruling coalition is in agreement to move ahead with a major liberalisation of Polish law on same-sex relationships. 

The legislation would permit civil unions and the co-parenting of a child of one of the partners, bringing the status of long-term LGBT+ relationships close to marriage in Polish law. A more dignified civil ceremony is also being considered. 

NGOs also confirmed that they were in consultation with the government concerning future legislation:

"What kind of bill on civil unions do we want?" - Campaign Against Homophobia. 

This accord stands in stark contrast to the situation with abortion, another hot-button "moral" issue in Poland, where the coalition parties appeared to have reached a compromise but cracks are starting to appear. (The leader of the centre-right part of the coalition (Third Way) Szymon Hołownia has been sticking to his idea of a referendum.

The Left has suggested this is an attempt by Hołownia and others to "wash their hands" of the pre-election commitment to women's rights. They furthermore suspect that a referendum is effectively a stalling/blocking tactic as referenda require significant turnout to be valid.

Sources: oko.press, Rzeczpospolita, X
