A new poll, published today in wyborcza.pl and commissioned by them from Opinia24, has found that Poland is still a strong supporter of EU membership.
- 72% are in favour of Poland remaining in the EU
- 12% are in favour of "POLEXIT"
- 16% are undecided
The referendum which decided Poland's entry had a similar breakdown:
- Turnout was 58.55%
- 77.45% said "Yes" to the EU
- 22.55% said "No"
Poland seems to differ from other countries regarding the impact of age on voting. According to the new survey, the elderly are definitely more pro-European than the young:
- 77% of those 60+ are pro-remain
- 69% are pro-remain among the young (18-39)
- 67% are pro-remain among the middle-aged (40-59)
In the UK, BREXIT was well known to have been a vote of "old people voting and young people suffering the consequences":
Among the leading political parties there are very sharp differences between their electorates:
- The ruling coalition partners KO and The Left have almost 100% support for the EU from their electorates
- The third coalition partner Third Way (centre-right) has a slightly lower level of EU support - 90%
- The leading party in the previous ruling coalition - Law and Justice - has a narrow majority of EU supporters among its voters (55% remain, 23% leave)
- The far-right Konfederacja is overall pro-leave, but still only relatively narrowly: 37% - leave, 29% remain, 34% undecided.
Sources: Wyborcza.pl/Opinia24, X/Channel 4