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Polish PM warns of high stakes in EU elections

05.06.2024 09:00
Poland's Prime Minister Donald Tusk has warned of high political stakes in the upcoming EU Parliament elections.
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk speaks at a rally in Warsaw on Tuesday, June 4, 2024.
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk speaks at a rally in Warsaw on Tuesday, June 4, 2024.Photo: PAP/Paweł Supernak

In a passionate speech delivered in Warsaw on Tuesday, Tusk highlighted the strategic importance of the EU ballot, which in Poland is scheduled for June 9.

Russia seeks 'political conquest of Brussels'

Tusk told Polish voters that political control of Brussels is a critical objective for the Russians, surpassing even the significance of territorial gains.

"The Kremlin views the political conquest of Brussels as more crucial than that of Kharkiv," Tusk stated to a gathered crowd, urging a robust turnout for the elections.

Tusk stressed the importance of the elections not only for Poland but for entire Europe, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

He linked the electoral outcome directly to broader European stability and security, warning that a divided and weak Europe could exacerbate the threat of war reaching its borders.

'When we see evil, we want to be strong'

"It is in your hands, or more precisely, in your pens—on June 9, this strength, this power, will allow us again and again to believe in Poland and for everyone in Europe and the West to believe that here, people do not surrender to evil, that here, people do not give up, that when we see evil, we want to be strong," he said.

He drew a poignant historical parallel to the transformative elections of June 4, 1989, which marked a decisive turn away from communist rule in Poland.

He also referenced a conversation with US President Joe Biden, underscoring international implications.

Biden, according to Tusk, expressed confidence that current events in Poland, including the opposition's recent parliamentary victory on October 15, are a beacon of hope against the encroaching threats near European borders.

Tusk made a striking appeal to the integrity and character of future Polish representatives in the EU. He questioned whether Poland wished to send "a delegation of dishonest individuals" to Brussels, underscoring the critical nature of electing reputable leaders who reflect national values such as independence, freedom and prosperity.

"Should we be ashamed of our representatives in Brussels? Would we really want to send a delegation of thieves, a delegation of scoundrels, people without conscience, people who have robbed Poland for so many years?" he asked.

Hybrid warfare at Poland's eastern border

Tusk also touched upon the ongoing hybrid warfare at Poland's eastern border, perpetuated by Moscow and Minsk.

He emphasized the hard choices to be made, and the high cost of Russian and Belarussian aggression.

"Sometimes in life it is difficult to reconcile values; each of them is really important in our lives—the security of the state, the security of our border is, after all, a priority for us all," he said."

The prime minister reaffirmed that his government intends to dispatch more personnel, equipment and funding to the eastern border to ensure that all those guarding it are well-equipped and trained to also find the "strength, time, and readiness to assist those who have ended up on our side and need such help."

Tusk noted that Polish soldiers and officers are defending the Polish border against provocations, illegal crossings, escalating aggression, sabotage, and hybrid warfare.

"A war is waged there every day, every hour, orchestrated by Lukashenko and Putin," he said.

He reassured the international public that Poland remains a safe and welcoming place for those who find themselves as guests within its borders, despite the assaults from Moscow and Minsk.

Tusk's address culminated in a call to action for Polish citizens to vote in the forthcoming elections, framing it as a duty to safeguard national and European values.

"If we do not turn our backs on each other, we will not have to pay a high price for our independence, freedom, and national and European community," he concluded, echoing a sentiment of unity and resilience in the face of adversity.


Source: IAR, PAP