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Poland faces record cyberattacks, 'cyber Cold War' with Russia: gov't minister

03.07.2024 14:00
Poland is the most targeted EU country in terms of cyberattacks, indicating an ongoing "cyber Cold War" with Russia, Digital Affairs Minister Krzysztof Gawkowski said after a meeting with White House officials in Washington.
Krzysztof Gawkowski.
Krzysztof Gawkowski.PAP/Łukasz Gągulski

During his visit to Washington, Gawkowski met with members of Joe Biden’s administration.

After his White House visit, he announced plans to strengthen cybersecurity cooperation with the United States.

"Poland is currently the most attacked country in the European Union in terms of cyber incidents ... and all signs indicate that most of these attacks originate from Russia and Belarus," Gawkowski told reporters after his meeting with Anne Neuberger, the U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor for Cybersecurity.

"We have observed a sharp increase in the number of incidents daily," Gawkowski said, detailing the latest statistics.

He added: "In recent months, this number has surged to 2,000 incidents per day, with Polish services handling 600–700 interventions daily. This is a 100-percent increase compared to 2023 and a 400-percent increase compared to 2022."

According to Gawkowski, Poland is a primary target of Russian attacks due to its support for Ukraine and its role as a major logistics and transport hub for military aid to Ukraine.

"Poland is already in a cyber Cold War with Russia, and one of the main meetings here in the United States was about strengthening Poland’s cyber shield through cooperation with the White House," Gawkowski said.

During his visit, decisions were made to enhance Polish-U.S. cooperation, including the exchange of information and experience and the establishment of special expert groups from both countries. These groups will conduct joint training and exchange intelligence information, Polish state news agency PAP reported.


Source: IAR, PAP