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Polish police crack down on speeders

05.08.2024 10:30
Police were out in force on roads around Poland on Monday, aiming to crack down on speeders and improve safety.
Photo:Warsaw Police Department/twitter.com/Policja_KSP

Officers were paying special attention to sites where accidents due to excessive speed occur most often, Antoni Rzeczkowski from the traffic department of the National Police Headquarters told reporters.

Police have urged motorists to slow down when approaching pedestrian crossings, bicycle paths and intersections.

Unmarked vehicles from a police unit called SPEED were also hunting for rule breakers, public broadcaster Polish Radio’s IAR news agency reported.

Police have said the main cause of fatal road accidents caused by drivers in Poland is motorists failing to adapt their speed to traffic conditions.

The Polish police's anti-speeding effort is part of a wider international campaign coordinated by RoadPol, a network of European traffic police forces.

"We appeal to drivers to adhere to speed limits and to slow down in areas where regulations and common sense require special caution," the National Police Headquarters said.

"Increased vigilance is crucial near pedestrian crossings, bicycle crossings and intersections," it added.

At the start of 2022, stricter traffic rules took effect in the country with tougher fines for drivers as part of efforts to improve road safety.

Under rules that took effect in the country in May 2021, drivers have to give priority to people about to step out onto a pedestrian crossing, as well as those already on it.

A total of 1,893 people were killed and 24,125 injured in 20,936 accidents on Polish roads last year, according to police data.


Source: IAR, PAPpolicja.pl

Click on the audio player above for a report by Radio Poland's Michał Owczarek.