PKW has rejected the annual financial report of the Law and Justice party (PiS), which could result in the loss of 57 million PLN (13,304,940.00 EUR) in subsidies for the current term.
The decision was based on the unlawful expenditure of 3.6 million PLN (840,312.00 EUR) on the campaign, exceeding the allowable limit of 1% of the committee's revenues.
As a consequence, the subsidy for PiS has been reduced by 10 million PLN (2,334,200.00 EUR), bringing it down to 28 million PLN (6,535,760.00 EUR).
The PKW noted that these funds were used, among other things, for electioneering at military picnics and activities of the Government Legislative Center.
Law and Justice has 14 days to appeal this decision to the Supreme Court.
Source: IAR/PAP/TVP Info/19.30
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