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Polish soldiers depart for peacekeeping mission in Lebanon

03.09.2024 15:10
A group of Polish soldiers departing for a peacekeeping mission in Lebanon were given a send-off at a ceremony in the southern village of Świętoszów on Monday.
Świętoszów, southwestern Poland, Sept. 2, 2024: A farewell ceremony for soldiers departing on a mission to Lebanon.
Świętoszów, southwestern Poland, Sept. 2, 2024: A farewell ceremony for soldiers departing on a mission to Lebanon.Photo: PAP/Lech Muszyński

The soldiers are part of the 10th rotation of the Polish Military Contingent for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), Polish state news agency PAP reported.

In late August, the UN Security Council unanimously voted to extend the UNIFIL peacekeeping mission for another year, which includes the deployment of the Polish contingent.

The soldiers will be tasked with patrolling the border with Israel.

According to the Reuters news agency, the UN Security Council's decision was tied to the demand for a halt to clashes between Hezbollah and Israeli forces.

The Council warned of the risk of an escalating conflict in the region and called for the restoration of peace along the Israeli-Lebanese border, Reuters reported.

The Polish military contingent operating in Lebanon consists of 250 personnel, including not only soldiers but also civilians involved in peacekeeping efforts.

Their main tasks include protecting civilians and monitoring the ceasefire along the so-called Blue Line, the demarcation line between Lebanon and Israel.

The soldiers also support the Lebanese armed forces and work with local authorities through Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC), which involves collaboration between military forces and civilian organizations or local communities to support military operations and contribute to the stabilization and reconstruction of conflict-affected areas.

The UNIFIL mission has been active since 1978, creating a buffer zone along the Israeli-Lebanese border. The effort involves 10,000 soldiers from several countries, including Italy, France and Germany. The overall mission commander is Gen. Aroldo Lázaro Sáenz from Spain.


Source: PAP/Reuters