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Cyber fraud alert: scammers exploit flood crisis. Waters rise in western Poland

26.09.2024 11:35
The peak flood wave has hit Słubice, exceeding alarm levels on the Odra and Warta rivers, while Polish MPs debate flood relief measures, and the Central Bureau for Combating Cybercrime (CBZC) warns of fraudulent fundraising campaigns and disinformation.
Nysa, southwestern Poland, September 24, 2024. The donation collection point for flood victims is located at Hala Nysa.
Nysa, southwestern Poland, September 24, 2024. The donation collection point for flood victims is located at Hala Nysa.PAP/Sławek Pabian

Currently, the crest of the flood wave is in the area around Słubice, near the German city of Frankfurt (Oder), as it continues to move through western Poland. The alarm levels have been exceeded on the Odra and Warta rivers.

Local roads and the Słubice-Świecko route have been closed due to flooding. Authorities are monitoring the situation, reported Polskie Radio 24.

The Central Bureau for Combating Cybercrime (CBZC) announced that officers have so far identified 150 fundraising campaigns that may involve criminal activity related to those affected by the disaster.

Through social media, CBZC officers also revealed 44 accounts responsible for spreading disinformation and sharing content that could negatively impact public safety. Police warn that fraudsters are often attempting to hijack social media accounts in connection with the flood situation.

"To do this, they prepare a flashy headline with a photo, for example, of a child or animal in danger. The post includes a link, which users are asked to click on and log in by providing their sensitive information. Entering such details on a fraudulent site leads to the theft of our login credentials," explained the CBZC.

Such cases can be reported via email to: kontakt.cbzc@cbzc.policja.gov.pl or powodz@cbzc.policja.gov.pl.
They can also be reported at: incydent.cert.pl.

Additionally, fundraisers can be verified through the Public Fundraising Portal of the Ministry of Interior and Administration at: zbiorki.gov.pl.

Overnight, Polish MPs debated flood-related issues in the Sejm. During today's session, a special committee is expected to be established to review aid projects for flood victims.


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