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Poland will commence the construction of shelters for citizens in 2025

30.09.2024 15:00
Starting next year, we plan to begin building shelters, announced the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration, Tomasz Siemoniak. On Wednesday, October 9th, at 11:00 AM, alarm sirens will sound in Warsaw as part of a public emergency drill.
Warsaw, September 30, 2024. Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration, Coordinator of Special Services Tomasz Siemoniak (L), and the President of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski (R), during a press conference regarding planned activities for Security Week and the Warsaw Protects program.
Warsaw, September 30, 2024. Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration, Coordinator of Special Services Tomasz Siemoniak (L), and the President of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski (R), during a press conference regarding planned activities for Security Week and the "Warsaw Protects" program.(sko) PAP/Paweł Supernak

“We want to begin intensive construction of shelters and places of refuge next year. We aim to adapt hundreds of facilities in Warsaw and across Poland so that they can serve the residents in case of danger,” said Siemoniak during a press conference.

Last week, the Sejm in Poland began working on a government bill regarding civil defense. The new regulations propose the establishment of a comprehensive population protection system in times of crisis and war.

The President of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, emphasized that a review of shelters and potential refuge spaces has taken place in the capital, even in the absence of specific regulations.

He mentioned that the city has looked to other countries for guidance, stating, “In several municipal buildings, we have shelters that were previously used, for example, for archival storage.”

Trzaskowski emphasized the importance of ensuring that shelters are ready for use by ordering their clearing and preparation. He highlighted that various primary schools have similar facilities that could be utilized in times of need.

Poland's Sejm advances civil defense bill amid shelter preparations in Warsaw

The proposed bill has been forwarded to committee, and the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration expressed his hope that the Sejm will approve the regulations by mid-November.

Rafał Trzaskowski also announced that Warsaw plans to conduct an exercise on October 9th to notify residents in case of an emergency situation.

For the first time in history, all available emergency communication channels will be used simultaneously, including alarm sirens and several types of messages and alerts aimed at individuals in the capital of Poland.

"The signal we should expect is likely one that no one in Warsaw has ever heard before. It will be a three-minute, modulated alarm siren, designed to put everyone on alert. This is very important, but equally crucial is ensuring that it doesn't cause unnecessary concern, panic, or confusion about what is happening," said Monika Beuth, spokesperson for Warsaw City Hall. The signal will sound on Wednesday, October 9th, at 11:00 AM.

Source: IAR/MSWiA

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