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Germany shielded WWII criminals from responsibility: Polish historian

06.09.2022 12:45
After World War II, Germany protected war criminals from being brought to justice, according to a Polish historian.
Prof. Bogdan Musiał.
Prof. Bogdan Musiał.PAP/Darek Delmanowicz

Bogdan Musiał, a professor of history, made the statement in an interview with the dorzeczy.pl website, published on Tuesday.

Referring to World War II, Musiał told dorzeczy.pl: “I have stressed for years that Poland is owed reparations and should demand them.”

He added: “The Germans were destroying Poland and it wasn’t a consequence of military operations.”

“They did it deliberately, they destroyed Polish elites, they exterminated Poland’s Jewish minority and the destruction and killings were designed to obliterate the Polish nation,” the historian said, as quoted by dorzeczy.pl.

‘Germany sought to destroy Polish nation’

Prof. Musiał stressed that the Nazi German invasion of Poland had been “deliberate and based on conscious decisions of the German government.”

He pointed out that at the time Adolf Hitler enjoyed “enormous support among the German nation, bigger than [Russian President Vladimir] Putin in Russia today,” as cited by dorzeczy.pl.

The historian added: “The Germans did it deliberately, they sought to destroy the Polish nation and never paid for it.”

‘Germany protected war criminals from responsibility’

“Far from it, they protected these criminals from criminal responsibility,” professor Musiał stressed in the interview.

He told dorzeczy.pl: “The former German Chancellor Willy Brandt shielded German criminals from punishment for the crimes they had committed against Poles and others. This took place after the war.”

“Nobody wanted a reckoning, so it can be said that later generations have taken over the responsibility in this case,” the historian said, as quoted by dorzeczy.pl. 

Asked by the website if it could be said that the Germans had failed in their efforts to pursue war criminals, professor Musiał replied: “No. They did everything not to pursue them.”


Source: dorzeczy.pl