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President Duda sends condolences over Seoul Halloween stampede

30.10.2022 19:00
Poland's President Andrzej Duda has offered his condolences over a tragic crowd crush in Seoul, South Korea's capital, which killed at least 153 people.
Flowers are laid where a deadly stampede occurred the previous day in Seoul, South Korea, 30 October 2022.
Flowers are laid where a deadly stampede occurred the previous day in Seoul, South Korea, 30 October 2022.Photo: EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN

"South Korea has suffered an unimaginable tragedy. In these moments, I join the Korean Nation in its prayers," President Duda said on Twitter.

"May the good Lord watch over all the Victims and their Loved Ones," Duda wrote in his statement.

Koreę dotknęła niewyobrażalna tragedia. W tych momentach łączę się w modlitwie z jej Narodem. Niech dobry Bóg ma w opiece wszystkie Ofiary i Ich Najbliższych.

— Andrzej Duda (@AndrzejDuda) October 30, 2022

South Korea's President Yoon Suk-yeol declared a period of national mourning on Sunday after a Halloween crush killed some 153 people in a packed nightlife area in Seoul, the country's capital city, according to Reuters.

Source: IAR, Reuters