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European Parliament calls for Lukashenka to be brought before the International Court of Justice

24.11.2022 23:00
The European Parliament has adopted a resolution detailing and updating its position on Belarus, its "hybrid"/migratory attacks on neighbours and the democratic Belarusian opposition.
New resolution adopted by EU Parliament on Belarus 24.11.2022.
New resolution adopted by EU Parliament on Belarus 24.11.2022.Shutterstock/Alexandros Michailidis

The European Parliament has adopted a resolution expressing solidarity with Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and the Belarusian democratic opposition, detailing objections to the regime's crimes and proposing further steps (see the full text of the resolution here.)

The Polish MEP Anna Fotyga participated in the debate on the resolution where she called Lukashenka a "usurper" and recalled the case of the Polish-Belarusian journalist Andrzej Poczubut who has been a political prisoner in Belarus for 600 days.

The resolution expresses "unequivocal support for the Belarusian democratic opposition" to be able to organise free and fair elections.

The resolution also expresses the Parliament's solidarity with Lithuania, Poland and Latvia concerning the hybrid attacks through "irregular migration from Belarus" and it stresses the need for the EU to assist migrants trapped at the EU-Belarusian borders.

The resolution recommends further sanctions be adopted against "key Belarusian sectors and individuals" and calls for Lukashenka and his regime to be brought before the International Court of Justice, in view of their violation of "the Chicago Convention, the Montreal Convention and the UN Convention against Torture..."

The resolution admits that thus far sanctions imposed by the EU have not had a sufficient impact on Lukashenka's regime - a tighter fifth package of sanctions is required.

Sources: EP Website, PAP


See more on this subject: Parlament Europejski