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The Times: Poland set to become a "military leader of Europe"

16.02.2023 21:00
As Duda meets Sunak, the Times publishes an article suggesting Poland is becoming a "military leader of Europe".
Polish soldiers
Polish soldiers PAP/Paweł Supernak

The Times of London has published an article "Gung Ho Poland is becoming a military leader of Europe". The title includes both praise for Poland - and criticism, the phrase "Gung Ho" suggesting Poland has not been cautious in its language in international statements. 

Poland has been singled out for criticism by Russia, for instance at the beginning of the war by Dmitri Medvedev who said in March 2022 that Polish elites exhibit "pathological Russophobia".

The Times article develops the idea that the traditional core of the European Union, France and Germany, has lost the initiative to lead. Polish Euro MP Ryszard Legutko expressed similar sentiments in September last year, as we reported. Legutko accused France and Germany of having a long-standing preference for Russia over the USA and that therefore their leadership has led Europe into the current crisis.

Sources: The Times, PAP, Radio Poland
