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"We missed an opportunity to invite Ukraine to join NATO"

12.07.2023 20:10
Poland's General Koziej expresses disappointment at the luke-warm promises made to Ukraine at NATO's Vilnius Summit.  
General Stanisław Koziej
General Stanisław KoziejWojciech Kusiński, Polskie Radio

In an interview for Poland's daily Super Express, General Stanisław Koziej expressed disappointment that NATO was not more forthcoming in its committment to Ukrainian NATO membership. He said he very much shared Zelensky's frustration at not being formally invited to join NATO.  

Stanisław Koziej is a brigadier general and military science professor with wide experience in security matters. From 1994 to 2001 Koziej was the Director of the Department of Defence Systems at the Ministry of Defence and he served as the Head of the National Security Bureau from 2010 to 2015.

Koziej emphasized that supporting Ukraine is not only a matter of loyalty or emotional commitment. NATO membership or its lack will be a key factor in peace negotiations "when Ukraine and Russia sit down."

Koziej emphasized that if Ukraine is not at the time of any negotiations a member or a guaranteed future member of NATO, Russia will have a strong bargaining chip in the negotiations. He also emphasized that an invitation to join NATO is not the end of the road, referring to the case of Poland where years passed between formal invitation and membership.

Sources: Super Express, The Guardian
