English Section

Polish Foreign Ministry declares its opposition to coup in Niger

28.07.2023 12:15
The Polish Foreign Ministry has declared its support for the democratically elected president of Niger and appealed for return to normal state functioning there.
Zbigniew Rau, Polands Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Zbigniew Rau, Poland's Minister for Foreign Affairs. Photo: PAP/Mateusz Marek

On July 27 Niger's President Mohamed Bazoum was held by force in the presidential palace after a group of soldiers declared a military coup had taken place.

Niger's Army spokesman Colonel Major Amadou Adramane made an appearance on national television stating that the coup had taken place.

Poland has followed France (the former colonial power in the region) and the USA in declaring its support for the democratically elected Bazoum.

Sources: PAP, Reuters, BBC
