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International concerns over state of Polish democracy

22.08.2023 21:00
As Poland's October 2023 general election approaches, several international organisations have voiced concern about the state of Polish democracy.  

The Varieties of Democracy 2023 report, from the University of Gothenburg, highlighted Poland for the period 2012-2022 as the most rapidly declining democracy in the world. In the categories of the report, Poland slipped in that decade from the category of "liberal democracy" to "electoral democracy". 

The majority (7 out of 10) of the most rapidly declining democracies ceased to be democracies at all according to the report. These countries, including Hungary, India and Turkey, became "electoral autocracies". 

Other concerns relate to the ruling Law and Justice party's announcement of a referendum to be held at the same time as the general election. Commentators have expressed concern that the questions of the referendum are designed to influence the general election, to motivate Law and Justice voters to vote and to circumvent electoral law in Poland concerning the financing of elections - Polish law allows the government to fund referenda as a "separate" activity from the general election, effectively allowing the state to finance one party's campaign to a higher degree. 

Freedom House's Election Watch 2023 includes a monitoring report on Poland and an initial assessment of 74/100 for Poland's upcoming election. Freedom House has expressed concerns about the objectivity of the media in Poland and the independence of the judiciary in the event of any election controversies. 

Sources: Freedom House, Varieties of Democracy/University of Gothenburg, politico.eu 
