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Biden calls for Palestinian Authority control of Gaza and West Bank, condemns Hamas and Putin in striking parallel

19.11.2023 18:00
The Palestinian Authority should take control after the Israel-Hamas war, U.S. President Joe Biden has said in a recent op-ed outlining his vision for the governance of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
Joe Biden.
Joe Biden. Photo: PAP/EPA/Chris Kleponis

Published in an opinion piece in the Washington Post, Biden emphasized the need for a unified governance structure and a two-state solution.

"As we strive for peace, Gaza and the West Bank should be reunited under a single governance structure, ultimately under a revitalized Palestinian Authority, as we all work toward a two-state solution."

He stressed that  "there must be no forcible displacement of Palestinians from Gaza, no reoccupation, no siege or blockade, and no reduction in territory."

In a direct comparison of the threats posed by Hamas and Russian President Vladimir Putin, Biden did not mince words, stating:

"Hamas and Putin represent different threats, but they share this in common: They both want to completely annihilate a neighboring democracy — completely annihilate it."

He further elaborated on Hamas' objectives, saying:

"Hamas — its stated purpose for existing is the destruction of the State of Israel and the murder of Jewish people," and criticized their tactics, "Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people. Hamas uses Palestinian civilians as human shields, and innocent Palestinian families are suffering greatly because of them."

Biden also addressed the situation in the West Bank, condemning violence by Israeli settlers against Palestinians.

He affirmed, "I have been emphatic with Israel’s leaders that extremist violence against Palestinians in the West Bank must stop and that those committing the violence must be held accountable."

Biden also announced the U.S. is prepared to issue visa bans against "extremists" attacking civilians in the West Bank.

The American president highlighted the strategic importance of supporting Israel and Ukraine in the face of these threats, linking it to America's national security.

"Making sure Israel and Ukraine succeed is vital for America’s national security," he stated, adding that unchecked terrorism and aggression lead to more global instability. Biden declared, "We cannot and will not let terrorists like Hamas and tyrants like Putin win. I refuse to let that happen."


Source: PAP, whitehouse.gov