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Polish gov't adopts resolution to oppose changes to EU treaties

22.11.2023 07:00
The Polish government has adopted a resolution to oppose proposed changes to European Union treaties, saying they would reduce Poland's sovereignty.  
Photo:X/Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland

Poland's Cabinet set out its position on Tuesday, state news agency PAP reported.

In a special resolution, the ministers expressed their "firm opposition to proposed changes to EU treaties, submitted by the European Parliament's Committee on Constitutional Affairs" (AFCO).

The Polish government said that the EU legislature's proposals "reduce the role of the principle of unanimity in the European Council" and "seek to limit the powers of member states in strategic areas," such as foreign policy, defence and national security.

The ministers added such changes would "fundamentally reduce Poland's sovereignty" and "violate the Polish constitution."

The Polish government said the proposed modifications were incompatible with EU treaties and would "serve the interests of the EU's two biggest member states."

The Cabinet called on MEPs to reject the proposals and stated that Poland would oppose them if they were approved by the EU legislature and proceeded to the European Council.

At the same time, the Polish government underlined its "firm support for Poland's presence in the European Union, which is an alliance of cooperating, equal, free and sovereign states."

Meanwhile, MPs with Poland's ruling conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party on Monday submitted a draft resolution calling for the proposals to be rejected, the PAP news agency reported.

Michał Kobosko from the centre-right Poland 2050 group, who heads the Committee for EU Affairs in the lower house of parliament, said the panel would "thoroughly analyse and discuss" the proposed changes to EU treaties, public broadcaster Polish Radio's IAR news agency reported.

Beata Szydło, an MEP with the Law and Justice party and a former Polish prime minister, said on Tuesday that the proposed changes would deprive EU member states of veto rights, the PAP news agency reported.

Szydło argued that the proposals represented "an attempt by Germany to force through its vision of Europe."

Also on Tuesday, Polish conservative MEP Ryszard Legutko said in the European Parliament that if the proposed reforms were implemented, EU countries would be "left with less power than the German federal states," the PAP news agency reported.

The EU legislature is set to vote on the "Proposals of the European Parliament for the Amendment of the Treaties” on Wednesday, the IAR news agency reported.


Source: IAR, PAP, gov.pl