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Rise in persecution of Christians around the world - NGO

18.01.2024 19:45
There has been a significant rise in the level of persecution of Christians around the world according to data from the Portes Ouvertes NGO, published in Le Figaro. India and Nigeria are singled out for criticism. 
Stations of the Cross procession in Lagos, Nigeria - the most dangerous country in the world for Christians.
Stations of the Cross procession in Lagos, Nigeria - the most dangerous country in the world for Christians. Photo: PAP/EPA/Akintunde Akinleye

According to data from Portes Ouvertes ("Open Doors"), published in Le Figaro, approximately 365 million Christians around the world experienced persecution in 2023, 5 million more than for the previous year. 

Portes Ouvertes is a Non-Governmental Organisation whose mission is "to support persecuted Christians worldwide and strengthen what remains."

Two countries highlighted are Nigeria and India:

  • In Indian prisons there are currently 2332 incarcerated Christians, persecuted for their beliefs - over half the total number of Christian prisoners of conscience in the whole world. (India is today the most populous country in the world, the home of over a sixth of the world's population.)
  • Nigeria, however, is the most dangerous country in the world for Christians: 4118 Christians were murdered for their religion out of the global total of 4998 such crimes in 2023. 

Sources: portesouvertes.fr, PAP, X
