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Polish, Italian presidents mark Battle of Monte Cassino anniversary

19.05.2024 12:30
Poland's President Andrzej Duda and his Italian counterpart Sergio Mattarella on Saturday commemorated the 80th anniversary of the 1944 Battle of Monte Cassino.
Polands president Andzrej Duda speaking at the Polish War Cemetery on Monte Cassino during the commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the 1944 Battle of Monte Cassino, May 18, 2024
Poland's president Andzrej Duda speaking at the Polish War Cemetery on Monte Cassino during the commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the 1944 Battle of Monte Cassino, May 18, 2024Photo: PAP/Albert Zawada

This pivotal World War II battle saw Polish forces, under General Władysław Anders, playing a crucial role in the Allied victory.

The main ceremony took place at the Polish War Cemetery on Monte Cassino hill, with Polish officials including Anna Maria Anders, the ambassador to Rome and daughter of General Anders, several dozen war veterans, and local officials in attendance.

The observances began with a solemn mass fololowed by a roll call of the fallen.

President Duda, in his speech, emphasized the importance of learning from history, especially in light of current geopolitical tensions.

He stressed the need for modernizing the Polish army and drew parallels between the past and the present, highlighting the ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Duda said: „From this place, fallen soldiers call on Europe for responsibility. They call out: never again war, don’t let it happen, help the Ukrainians stop the Russians, don’t let Russian imperialism spread to other European countries."

"I believe that today’s Europe has learned that lesson and will not allow Russian imperialism to seize countries and enslave people as it did in the past", Duda concluded.

The Battle of Monte Cassino, fought from January 17 to May 19, 1944, was one of the fiercest battles of World War II. Polish troops of the II Corps, led by General Anders, captured the summit of Monte Cassino on May 18, 1944, after intense fighting that resulted in significant Polish casualties: 923 killed, 2,931 wounded, and 345 missing. This victory paved the way for the Allied forces to break through the Gustav Line, leading to the capture of Rome on June 14, 1944.

In 1945, a Polish war cemetery was established at Monte Cassino, where 1,072 Polish soldiers were laid to rest. In 1970, General Anders was buried there, following his wish to lie alongside his soldiers.


Source: PAP