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Russia and Belarus begin second stage of nuclear exercise

11.06.2024 12:00
The Russian Defense Ministry announced on Tuesday that the second stage of exercises involving the use of non-strategic nuclear forces has commenced.
An Iskander M tactical missile system.
An Iskander M tactical missile system. EPA/YURI KOCHETKOV

These maneuvers are aimed at maintaining the readiness of troops and equipment in combat units from both Russia and Belarus. The joint exercises will focus on preparing the armed forces of both nations for the "combat application of non-strategic nuclear weapons."

During the first stage of the maneuvers, missile troops from Russia's Southern Military District practiced receiving practice missiles for Iskander systems, mounting them, and "secretly moving them to designated areas in preparation for conducting firings."

Ordered last month by President Vladimir Putin, the maneuvers are described by Moscow as a response to perceived “threats” and “provocations” from the West. Analysts from the Defence24 portal suggest that the exercises serve both to verify Russian capabilities and to intimidate Western nations into reducing their support for Ukraine.


Source: PAP