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NATO's Washington summit to focus on ‘bolstering Ukraine's long-term success’: Blinken

19.06.2024 16:00
The upcoming NATO summit in Washington will focus on uniting efforts to ensure Ukraine's long-term success against Russia, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said.
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Speaking during a joint media briefing with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, Blinken underscored the United States' steadfast commitment to Ukraine, highlighting a recent increase in assistance to Ukraine's armed forces aimed at stabilizing front lines and countering Russian aggression, Poland's PAP news agency reported.

This surge in Western support demonstrates the West's enduring solidarity with Ukraine, according to officials.

"The summit will focus on bolstering Ukraine’s long-term success," Blinken stated.

"From day one, as the battlefield has evolved, so too has our support for Ukraine," he added.

"If Vladimir Putin is counting on outlasting Ukraine, or outlasting any of us, he is misguided," Blinken told reporters.

The United States recently became the 17th country to sign a bilateral security agreement with Ukraine.

Blinken revealed that at least 20 countries are expected to conclude such agreements with Ukraine by the time of the NATO summit.

"This is proof, clear proof, that all of our countries are with Ukraine for the long haul," Blinken said.

The 75th NATO summit will be held in Washington from July 9 to 11.


Source: IAR, PAP, state.gov