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EU pursues defense industry partnerships with Japan and South Korea

24.06.2024 09:00
The EU is exploring security and defense industry partnerships with Japan and South Korea for the joint development of military equipment, according to a report by the Japanese daily Nikkei, which cites a senior EU commission official.
South Korean-made K1E1 tanks (background R), K9 howitzers (front) and Chunmoo multiple rocket launchers (L).
South Korean-made K1E1 tanks (background R), K9 howitzers (front) and Chunmoo multiple rocket launchers (L).EPA/YONHAP

These collaborations would represent the EU's first defense-related partnerships with Asian nations.

According to Reuters, the EU aims to finalize a ministerial-level agreement with Japan by the end of the year. Such an agreement could facilitate EU funding for joint projects managed by Japanese and European companies, the Nikkei reported, as quoted by Reuters.

Despite its constitution renouncing war, Japan asserts it is facing "the most severe and complex security environment since World War Two." In response, Japan has significantly expanded its defense industry in recent years, expressing concerns over threats from neighboring countries such as China and North Korea.

This expansion marks Japan's largest postwar military buildup.


Source: Reuters