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President Duda compares Polish-Belarusian border to U.S.-Mexico wall

09.09.2024 12:12
In an interview with controversial American journalist Sharyl Attkisson on the conservative "Full Measure" program, President Andrzej Duda compared Poland’s border fence with Belarus to the U.S.-Mexico wall while addressing issues of illegal immigration and security concerns.
In an interview with the controversial American journalist Sharyl Attkisson on the conservative Full Measure program, President Duda compared Polands border fence with Belarus to the U.S.-Mexico wall and discussed illegal immigration and security issues.
In an interview with the controversial American journalist Sharyl Attkisson on the conservative "Full Measure" program, President Duda compared Poland’s border fence with Belarus to the U.S.-Mexico wall and discussed illegal immigration and security issues.Przemysław Keler/KPRP

President Andrzej Duda appeared on "Full Measure" over the past weekend, a program broadcast on local American TV stations owned by Sinclair Broadcasting Group, known for its conservative editorial stance and ties to Donald Trump.

In the show, Andrzej Duda discussed the issue of illegal immigration, comparing the situation at the Polish-Belarusian border to the challenges faced by the U.S. at its border with Mexico.

The first episode of the new series on illegal immigration also highlighted the death of a Polish soldier in June, who was attacked by individuals trying to breach the border barrier.

In an interview with the controversial American journalist Sharyl Attkisson, Duda was asked about illegal immigrants entering Poland from Russia and Belarus. He compared the Polish-Belarusian border fence to the famous U.S.-Mexico border wall.

"Our continent and our societies, like the United States, also face the problem of illegal immigration," Duda said. "That’s why we built a wall on the border with Belarus," he addeed.

"Russia aims to cause destabilization and chaos. If someone comes to Poland with the false belief that they will get everything for free and live a better life without working, we do not agree with that. If you want to live among us, work and earn a living, it's very simple," claims the Polish President.

Source: PAP/KPRP

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