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New European Commission announced, Ursula von der Leyen reveals details

17.09.2024 15:15
The new European Commission was unveiled, with a focus on gender parity and key role assignments. Piotr Serafin will be responsible for managing the EU budget.
President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen presents her new College of Commissioners during a press conference at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, 17 September 2024. She proposed new College of Commissioners during her second term in office will now need approval from the European Paliament during the confirmation heari
President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen presents her new College of Commissioners during a press conference at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, 17 September 2024. She proposed new College of Commissioners during her second term in office will now need approval from the European Paliament during the confirmation heariTeresa Suarez/PAP/EPA

Ursula von der Leyen appointed the members of the new European Commission, making sure to maintain gender balance. Originally, there were just four women among the candidates, but her efforts raised the number to 11, including herself.

The Polish candidate for commissioner, Piotr Serafin, as expected, will be responsible for the EU budget, tackling financial fraud, and public administration.

New EU Commissioners announced. Key roles and responsibilities

Andrius Kubilius from Lithuania will oversee defense matters and work on expanding the European defense industry. Latvia’s Valdis Dombrovskis will handle economic affairs, while Slovakia’s Maroš Šefčovič will be in charge of trade. Slovenia’s Marta Kos will focus on EU enlargement.

Estonia’s Kaja Kallas, who was appointed in July, will lead EU diplomacy and serve as one of the six vice-presidents of the European Commission. Romania’s Roxana Minzatu, also a vice-president, will be responsible for demographics, education, and training. Finland’s Henna Virkkunen will serve as a vice-president in charge of digitalization.

France’s Stéphane Séjourné will be the vice-president responsible for industrial strategy, and Spain’s Teresa Ribera will oversee competition, as well as fair and clean transformation, in her role as a vice-president. Italy’s Raffaele Fitto will be a vice-president focusing on regional development.

Environmental and energy issues will be managed by representatives from Western Europe: Wopke Hoekstra of the Netherlands will handle climate matters, Denmark’s Dan Jørgensen will be in charge of energy and housing, and Sweden’s Jessika Roswall will address environmental concerns.

There were no surprises regarding the Polish commissioner candidate; as expected, Piotr Serafin will handle the EU budget.

Source: IAR/PAP/X/@vonderleyen

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