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UPDATE: Russian consulate staff declared personae non gratae in Poland

22.10.2024 22:55
Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski has outlined the rationale for closing the Russian Consulate General in Poznań, western Poland.
Warsaw, October 22, 2024. Polish FM Sikorski announced that Russia is behind recent sabotage attempts in Poland and allied countries, which has led to the decision to revoke the authorization for the Russian Consulate in Poznań. The consulates staff will be declared persona non grata in Poland.
Warsaw, October 22, 2024. Polish FM Sikorski announced that Russia is behind recent sabotage attempts in Poland and allied countries, which has led to the decision to revoke the authorization for the Russian Consulate in Poznań. The consulate's staff will be declared persona non grata in Poland.PAP/Paweł Supernak

"There was an attempted act of sabotage in Poland. According to the prosecutor’s office, it was inspired and controlled by the structures of a foreign state," Sikorski said during a press conference on Tuesday.

"As the foreign minister, I also have information indicating that the Russian Federation is behind these attempts," he added.

"The Polish government is compelled to respond decisively. Therefore, I have made the decision to close the Russian consulate in Poznań and declare its staff personae non gratae on Polish territory," Poland's top diplomat told reporters.

Russia engages in hybrid warfare against Poland and Ukraine

"The Russian Federation is waging war against Ukraine and a hybrid war against the West, including Poland," Sikorski stated.

He explained that the hybrid war involves disinformation campaigns, cyberattacks, the destabilization of the Polish-Belarusian border, and acts of sabotage.

"In recent days, a Polish court ruled that the prosecution had presented strong evidence showing that there was an attempted act of sabotage in Poland, orchestrated by a foreign intelligence service," Sikorski said.

"The Polish court did not agree to a plea bargain for the suspected perpetrator, demanding a harsher sentence."

FM Sikorski: Russia's sabotage tactics prompt closure of Poznań consulate

Radosław Sikorski declared that, as Foreign Minister, he has confirmed information that the Russian Federation is behind the sabotage attempts in Poland.

"Therefore, I have made the decision to revoke the authorization for the Russian Federation’s Consulate in Poznań, located in western Poland."

The staff of this diplomatic mission will be declared personae non gratae in Poland.

"We demand an immediate end to the hybrid war against Poland and its allies," Sikorski said. He added that if Russia continues such actions, Poland reserves the right to take further decisive measures.

Read more about this subject:

Source: MSZ/X/@sikorskiradek

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