So far, the missing soldiers have not been found, nor has their death been confirmed, Lithuanian Defense Minister Dovilė Šakalienė confirmed. She arrived at the training area on Thursday along with Lithuanian Prime Minister Gintautas Paluckas, where the soldiers were last seen while conducting a previously scheduled tactical training exercise, according to the Lithuanian Ministry of Defense.
Rescue efforts were carried out in a marshy area. While the armored vehicle Hercules, which the men were traveling in, was located, no other trace was found. The operation involved U.S. soldiers as well as Lithuanian armed forces.
NATO had to issue a correction regarding yesterday's statement by Secretary General Mark Rutte on this matter.
„Until the very last minute we shall not lose hope, we will do everything to find the missing soldiers. Lithuania, just like US, does not leave our own behind. And for us 🇺🇸 troops are our own,”said Dovilė Šakalienė through social media, accompanied by U.S. Ambassador Kara C. McDonald.
„Our armed forces & rescue services are working around the clock. This accident is incredibly difficult&painful for us. Our hearts are with the soldiers, their families&friends,” as pointed out by the Lithuanian politician.
„The vehicle was discovered submerged in a body of water in a training area after a search by U.S. Army, Lithuanian Armed Forces and other Lithuanian authorities. Recovery efforts are underway by U.S. Army and Lithuanian Armed Forces and civilian agencies," as stated by U.S. Army Europe and Africa.
The incident occurred at the following location.
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Source: PAP/IAR/X/@DSakaliene/@NATOpress