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Russia threatens to cease cooperation with the UN

20.10.2022 21:30
Russia has threatened to cease cooperation with the United Nations in response to the Secretary General, António Gutteres' investigation into Russia's use of drones against civilian targets in Ukraine.
United Nations General Assembly in New York
United Nations General Assembly in New Yorklev radin/Shutterstock

According to several sources, Russia has been purchasing "kamikaze" drones from Iran since August to attack civilian and infrastructure targets in Ukraine, in violation of UN resolutions.

In response, the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Gutteres, has requested that experts visit Ukraine to investigate these allegations.

Dmitry Polanski, the deputy Russian Ambassador to the UN, has called on Gutteres to stop "these unlawful investigations", otherwise Russia will be forced "to reconsider its cooperation" with the United Nations.

Source: PAP, Reuters


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