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Polish tourists receiving help amid Greece wildfires: gov’t spokesman

25.07.2023 11:45
Polish holiday makers in Greece are receiving assistance from travel agencies as the southern European country battles intense wildfires, the Polish government spokesman has said.
Rzecznik rządu Piotr Mller
Rzecznik rządu Piotr MüllerPAP/Paweł Supernak

Piotr Müller made the declaration in a media interview on Tuesday, Polish state news agency PAP reported

The government spokesman told public broadcaster Polish Radio that Poland’s Deputy Sports and Tourism Minister Andrzej Gut-Mostowy had met with the travel agencies organising trips to Greece.

“According to the information we have received from the travel companies, Polish tourists are provided with assistance on a continuous basis,” Müller said.

The government spokesman urged those whose holidays had ended but who were unable to leave Greece due to the wildfires, to contact the Polish embassy. 

He added: “The government will be putting pressure on the travel companies to fulfil their obligations.”

Müller told Polish Radio: “Let’s bear in mind that tourists have paid for their holidays, which include certain services, and the government may take supervisory measures as part of its oversight of the tourism sector.”

He stressed that if the life and health of Polish tourists in Greece came into danger, "the government will take prompt action."

Greece hit by wildfires

Greece has been hit by an average of 50 new fires a day for the past 12 days, with the biggest blazes raging through the island of Rhodes, the PAP news agency reported.

Some 19,000 Rhodes residents and tourists have been evacuated from danger zones, in the largest-ever preventive fire evacuation in the history of Greece, according to officials.

A total of 250 firefighters are currently combating the blaze, with air back-up from 15 aircraft and helicopters, the PAP news agency reported.

The Greek government has set up a special taskforce to oversee the evacuation of foreign tourists, with 21 flights taking holidaymakers from the fire-hit Rhodes on Monday, according to officials. 

A plane carrying Polish tourists who had fled the wildfires on Rhodes landed on Warsaw’s Chopin airport just before midnight on Monday, the PAP news agency reported.

Meanwhile, a team of firefighters sent by Poland is helping protect the capital Athens against the wildfires, the Polish State Fire Service said.


Source: PAP, polskieradio24.plThe Washington Post