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Cuba accuses Russia of working with human-trafficking rings

06.09.2023 19:00
Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez has said that Cuba has uncovered a human-trafficking ring in Cuba aimed at supplying Russia with fresh mercenaries in its war against Ukraine. 
The National Capitol Building in Havana.
The National Capitol Building in Havana. Pixabay/license free

As reported in the Guardian and Reuters, Cuba has announced the uncovering of a human trafficking ring operating in Cuba to serve Russian military efforts by procuring mercenaries. 

Cuba's Foreign Minister Rodríguez stated emphatically that, "Cuba is not part of the war in Ukraine." The statement went on to explain that Havana is dismantling the illegal network.  

As cited in the Guardian, the Minister said, “Cuba has a firm and clear historical position against the use of mercenaries … Cuba is not part of the war in Ukraine.”

The news is consistent with the view that Russia is running out of mercenaries being in conflict with the Wagner Group, post its rebellion, as we reported

Sources: The Guardian, Reuters, Radio Poland
