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Gov’t warns Poles abroad about pro-Hamas protests on Friday

13.10.2023 08:30
The Polish government has warned Poles staying abroad to watch out against possible attacks by supporters of the Palestinian Islamist organisation Hamas, which is at war against Israel.
Polands Deputy Foreign Minister Paweł Jabłoński.
Poland's Deputy Foreign Minister Paweł Jabłoński.PAP/Zbigniew Meissner

The warning was issued by Deputy Foreign Minister Paweł Jabłoński on Friday morning, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

Jabłoński wrote on the X social media platform: “If you are abroad today, especially in the countries with a large community of immigrants from Africa or the Middle East, watch out.”

The Polish deputy foreign minister added that Hamas leaders had designated Friday as “a day of rage,” calling for protests and attacks.

He added that Polish embassies and consulates were ready to provide support "if anyone got caught up in any attacks," the PAP news agency reported.

Meanwhile, local and federal law enforcement agencies across America were stepping up their patrols of Jewish houses of worship, Jewish-owned businesses and Israeli diplomatic buildings, amid online calls for attacks on the country’s Jewish community, US broadcaster NBC News reported.

Hamas’ ex-leader Khaled Mashal has called for Friday to be a global day of "anger" in support of the organisation’s recent attack on Israel, which has left over 1,300 Israelis dead, according to news outlets. 

Mashal said demonstrations would send a "message of rage to Zionists and to America," NBC News reported.


Source: IAR, PAP, NBC News, AP