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Polish PM heads to Brussels for key EU summit on top jobs, security deal with Ukraine

27.06.2024 11:00
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk will attend a two-day European Council summit starting in Brussels on Thursday, where leaders are expected to finalize appointments for key EU positions.
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk.
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk.PAP/Rafał Guz

The meeting will also include the signing of a security agreement between the European Union and Ukraine.

The summit follows intergovernmental conferences with Ukraine and Moldova held in Luxembourg earlier in the week.

European affairs ministers from the bloc's member states have approved security commitments between the EU and Ukraine, previously agreed on by ambassadors from the 27 countries.

"On the sidelines of the European Council summit, the signing of an accompanying declaration of leaders is also planned," Poland's European Affairs Minister Adam Szłapka told reporters.

Unofficial sources suggest that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will personally sign the security agreement.

Szłapka said that the commitments in the document complement bilateral agreements already in place between individual countries and Ukraine.

"The document builds on the European Union's ongoing efforts regarding political, military, and financial assistance and Ukraine's accession process," he told the media. "It does not list new commitments but refers to areas where EU support can be extended."

The EU leaders meeting in Brussels will also discuss further support for Ukraine, including member state initiatives on munitions and assistance under the European Peace Facility.

Additionally, the summit is set to decide on the staffing of the EU's top posts, including those in the European Commission and the European Council, and that of the bloc's next foreign policy chief.


Source: PAP