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Russia coerces migrants into military contracts with torture, ISW reports

30.07.2024 23:45
Migrants from former Soviet republics are being coerced through torture by Russian authorities to sign contracts with the army and participate in the war against Ukraine, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) has reported.
A huge digital billboard in St. Petersburg promoting contract service in the Russian armed forces.
A huge digital billboard in St. Petersburg promoting "contract service in the Russian armed forces."Photo: EPA/ANATOLY MALTSEV

"According to human rights defenders, raids (on migrants) occur weekly. Migrants, who are detained by police without any grounds, are subjected to torture while being enticed with promises of expedited naturalization procedures," reports the independent Okno.group information portal, referenced in the latest ISW report.

The frequency of raids on migrants in Russia has reportedly increased following a terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall near Moscow in March.

Okno.group reports that migrants "are deprived of water, subjected to electric shocks and beatings, and have their phones confiscated."

In the report, the ISW also highlighted legislative proposals in Russia. On Monday, State Duma (the lower house of Russia's parliament) Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin proposed legally obligating individuals receiving Russian citizenship to register with the military administration as a condition for obtaining a Russian passport.

The duration of military service for new citizens could be extended from one year to two years, and the upper age limit for conscripts could be raised, though the specific age was not disclosed.


Source: IAR, ISW