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Sikorski: Reopening Polish-Belarusian border crossings linked to Poczobut's release

07.08.2024 13:50
On Monday, August 5, Poland’s Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski spoke with the Belarusian opposition portal Zierkalo ("Зеркало") in an interview that had been eagerly awaited by journalists for eight months. The discussion focused on major topics such as the closure of border crossings between Poland and Belarus and the country’s visa policies.
Polands FM Radosław Sikorski spoke with the Belarusian opposition portal Zierkalo in an eagerly awaited interview that covered critical topics such as the closure of Poland-Belarus border crossings and the countrys visa policies.
Poland's FM Radosław Sikorski spoke with the Belarusian opposition portal Zierkalo in an eagerly awaited interview that covered critical topics such as the closure of Poland-Belarus border crossings and the country’s visa policies.Sebastian Indra/MSZ

Sikorski explained that the closure of additional border crossings, such as the one in Bóbrniki, a small town on the Polish-Belarusian border, was a decision made by the previous Polish government in response to the arrest of Andrzej Poczobut. 

“The reopening of these border crossings is contingent on the completion of Poczobut's sentence, ” stated Radosław Sikorski, according to news.zerkalo.io.

While Poland has introduced changes to its visa system - such as requiring passport photos during registration - issues with intermediaries selling appointment slots persist.

Sikorski confirmed that Poland is actively working to address these problems and is considering further changes to the visa system to prevent the resale of appointment slots.

Polish FM also expressed disappointment that the small border traffic agreement with Belarus was not implemented because Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko did not ratify it.

Sikorski addresses visa issues and reaffirms support for independent media

Sikorski pointed out that certain visa problems stem from actions by the Belarusian regime, impacting the everyday lives of its citizens.

The Polish Foreign Minister emphasized that Poland is not intentionally restricting Belarusian access to visas but is instead addressing illegal practices related to visa procurement.

Regarding the Belarusian TV channel "Biełsat," Sikorski assured that despite upcoming reforms, the channel's brand and mission will continue, ensuring it remains a source of independent news about Belarus.

Andrzej Poczobut is imprisoned in Belarus on charges of spreading false information and discrediting the Belarusian government. Andrzej Poczobut is imprisoned in Belarus on charges of spreading false information and discrediting the Belarusian government.

Andrzej Poczobut is a journalist and a member of the Union of Poles in Belarus. He was imprisoned by the Belarusian regime in 2021. Poland advocates for his release due to his unjust detention and to improve diplomatic relations with Belarus.

Source: Zierkalo ("Зеркало")/PAP/x.com/@zerkalo_io

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