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Brazil attempts to shut down Twitter/X

31.08.2024 16:00
In a landmark decision, Brazil's Supreme Court has ordered Apple and Google to implement blocks to the Twitter/X service of Elon Musk - another conflict between a government and a "non-state actor" in what is becoming a global democratic crisis. 
Non-state actors and their political influence - Trump and Musk.
Non-state actors and their political influence - Trump and Musk. Photo: PAP/Abaca/AA/ABACA & PAP/EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS

As Poland's Rzeczpospolita among others has reported, Brazil is taking on the social media platform Twitter/X. 

The Supreme Court has said that X allowed the spread of mass disinformation and hate. Musk has responded that this is part of freedom of speech and that he intends to find ways around blocks and cancelled accounts. 

This is another case of a conflict between non state actors - unelected but powerful entities including mercenary armies and social media companies. 

In the USA, the debate came to ahead recently, in particular concerning TikTok, partly because the platform is Chinese-owned. The debate on non-state actors seeks to assess the legitimacy of private companies where these can take over from or interfere with basic government roles - where governments ultimately answer to their electorates.

The case of Julian Assange is another controversy where Assange's Wikileaks was accused not of spreading disinformation or hate but espionage - revealing (true?) state secrets. 

Poland's foreign ministry has recently created a team to counteract disinformation:

Sources: Rzeczpospolita, Utah State University webpage, The Guardian, Radio Poland
