Under the deal, Frontex officials will strengthen their presence on Serbia’s borders, exchange intelligence, and conduct joint measures to tackle illegal migration and organized smuggling. Although Frontex is already active on Serbia’s EU-facing frontiers, the new agreement extends operations to other frontier areas.
“We have often raised concerns in Parliament over porous borders along one of the most active migration routes, which increased pressure on Croatia and the rest of the EU,” said Carlo Ressler, the European Parliament’s rapporteur on the agreement. “Greater involvement of the European Border Guard should boost European border security, enhance cooperation with transit countries, and disrupt organized trafficking networks.”
Serbia’s role on the Balkan route
Serbia lies on the well-traveled “Balkan route,” running from Turkey through Bulgaria, North Macedonia, and Serbia, then onward to Bosnia and Herzegovina. This corridor remains a key path for migrants seeking entry into the European Union.
Ressler noted that Serbia, positioned along an active migration route and confronted with “some of the most violent smuggling rings,” faces a special obligation to combat irregular migration. “A stronger Frontex presence is a major step forward in the fight against illicit migration and smuggling networks,” he added.
Source: PAP