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Warsaw seminar debates legal challenges in space exploration: audio report

06.04.2023 16:30
A seminar focusing on legal challenges in space exploration took place at the University of Warsaw this week.
Prof. Steven Freeland (2nd from left), Western Sydney University.
Prof. Steven Freeland (2nd from left), Western Sydney University.Photo: Danuta Isler/Radio Poland

Commercial activity in outer space has been expanding significantly, offering opportunities from digital mapping and resource discovery to enhanced communications, remote health services, as well as space mining and engineering, experts have said.

According to estimates by US-based financial services firm Morgan Stanley, the global space industry could generate more than USD 1 trillion in revenue by 2040.

The expansion of commercial activities in outer space has, however, raised a number of important regulatory issues. Among these are ownership rights and collision liability.

Steven Freeland, a professor of international law who was one of the panelists at the seminar, told Radio Poland's Danuta Isler: "The Polish space industry is developing. You now have the Polish Space Agency. You don't have your national (space) law. Having such a law with clarity would, I believe, actually be a really positive thing for the economy, for industry, for entrepreneurship and for innovation."

Click on the audio player above to listen.